
Prof. Dr. Le Anh Vinh

Director General of the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences

(to be updated)

Prof. Vo Tong Xuan

Prof. Vo Tong Xuan is the former vice-rector of Can Tho University, former rector of An Giang University… and was awarded the title of Labor Hero and People’s Teacher by the State. He is the author of many valuable research works, textbooks, books, and reference materials serving agricultural production not only domestically but also internationally. Especially in the years 1980 – 1985, he introduced IR36 and MTL30 varieties, which were most popular in the Western provinces. Not only famous domestically, his research also brings many benefits to poor countries in Africa.

Nguyễn Thục Quyên

Giáo sư

GS. Nguyễn Thục Quyên, Giáo sư Khoa Hóa & Hóa sinh tại Đại học California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), Đồng Chủ tịch Hội đồng Sơ khảo Giải thưởng VinFuture. Bà chính thức giảng dạy và nghiên cứu tại Đại học California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) từ hè năm 2004. Trong sự nghiệp khoa học, Giáo sư Nguyễn Thục Quyên đã nhận được nhiều giải thưởng danh giá, bao gồm Giải thưởng Nghiên cứu viên Đổi mới và Năng lực Cạnh tranh Hoa Kỳ của Quỹ Khoa học Quốc gia (2010), Giải thưởng Nghiên cứu Cao cấp Alexander von Humboldt (2015), và Nghiên cứu viên của Hiệp hội Hóa học Hoàng gia (2016), và nhiều giải thưởng danh gia khác.

Giáo sư Quyên đã được bình chọn là Top Trí tuệ Khoa học có Ảnh hưởng nhất Thế giới trong các năm 2015, 2016, 2017 và 2018. Bà cũng nằm trong danh sách Top 1% Nhà nghiên cứu Khoa học Vật liệu được Trích dẫn Nhiều nhất thế giới theo Thomson Reuters và Clarivate Analytics.

Nguyen Thuc Quyen


Prof. Nguyen Thuc Quyen is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) as well as Chair of the Pre-Screening Committee. She joined the faculty of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at UCSB in summer 2004.

Prof. Thuc-Quyen Nguyen is among the Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science and Cross-Field by Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics. In addition, she has received numerous prestigious honors and awards, including: The 2015-2019 World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds; The 2019 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; The 2019 Hall of Fame – Advanced Materials; The 2016 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry; The 2015 Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award; and many more.

Thong Nguyen

Co-Founder &
CEO of Dentsu Redder Vietnam

A decade of extensive hands on experience on agency side in varied disciplines as event, activation, design, creative, and digital, and 2 years running successfully a local milk brand business truly enriches and adds values to Thong Nguyen’s edge and expertise of client servicing, consulting, and partnering to solve the business and brand issues as well as addressing growth opportunities.

Ton Nu Thi Ninh

President of HPDF

Mdm, Ton Nu Thi Ninh is President of HPDF. Today she is engaged in the socio-cultural sphere, working to promote Viet Nam’s sustainable development, empowerment of women and youth, and contribute to Viet Nam’s more effective international integration and nation branding. Through her frequent interaction with the public, especially women, youth and the media, she is known as one of the public figures with a meaningful voice in Viet Nam.

Le Quoc Vinh

Chairman of Le Bros

Mr. Le Quoc Vinh is Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of Le Group of Companies, with four member companies including Le Media, Le Bros, Le Digital, and Creativa. These member companies are all leading companies in Vietnam in publishing, journalism, communications, marketing, public relations and event organization. He leads the industry with many years of journalism, marketing, and communications expertise.

Vo Tong Xuan


Prof. Vo Tong Xuan is the former vice-rector of Can Tho University, former rector of An Giang University… and was awarded the title of Labor Hero and People’s Teacher by the State. He is the author of many valuable research works, textbooks, books, and reference materials serving agricultural production not only domestically but also internationally. Especially in the years 1980 – 1985, he introduced IR36 and MTL30 varieties, which were most popular in the Western provinces. Not only famous domestically, his research also brings many benefits to poor countries in Africa.